Friday, April 25, 2014

Brasfield 3-5

The discussion about the future of Medicare was very interesting in that I feel like I hear very little to nothing about this topic in politics now, but it is such a huge issue that is looming ahead of us. I think this is how many of the policies in government are running now. Everything is ignored until it become such a huge issue that they must scramble to find a quick fix to the problem before things start to crumble. The system has not been updated to fit the time we are living in today. Every decade a new group of people reach the age of Medicare assistance, and every decade that group is getting larger. The life expectancy is only going to increase over the years, and there needs to be a system in place to support that before it happens. The need for Medicare assistance will not go away, but if it is not progressing with the population, it will simply fall apart. While the argument was made that we can not predict these numbers of people, age, and care costs, we know that they will go up. Birthrates are not seen to be going down in the US yet, there is no denying that people are getting older, and everything is getting more expensive. Even if there is an overestimation of the money needed, why does that matter? We would have leftover money to use for emergencies to to pay off our immense debt. I don't think that either political party would be against lowering the nation's debt at any point in time.

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