Friday, April 25, 2014

Brasfield 1-3

I liked the way that Brasfield made the information much more easily understood than some of the other books. When talking about these sort of concepts he helped greatly to see graphs and pictures to visualize how much the percentages are in comparison to each other. It helped especially to see who is using these funds. When I saw that the uninsured population was significantly less healthy, I was not surprised. The cost of health insurance makes it so that people who have health as a priority invest in insurance. They are also the people who invest time and money on a daily basis to be healthy and prevent possible expensive procedures and medications. The people who don't have the ability to see a doctor for a routine visit of course will have major issues go unnoticed until it is too late. Healthcare is not a priority in the US and it shows. Preventative care is expensive on an everyday basis, with gym memberships and health groceries and sending kids to soccer camp. But this is done to make sure that they don't need tens of thousands dollars worth of surgeries and medications in the future. Healthy lifestyles are an easy way to cut corners on everyday costs, but they don't save money.

It was frustrating to read about the process in which a bill must pass through so many people- and their personal stances on things. A major flaw of our political system is that more often than not elected representatives forget that they are acting for other people, not themselves. So many times politicians promote that they are there to service the people, but when it comes down to it, will always decide what they want and not what is best for the people. That is simply how we've been failing to progress as a nation in recent decades as a nation and are continuing to do so with Obamacare.

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