Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Altman Pt. 2 and 3

The issue of balancing the budget is the biggest boulder in the way of a successful healthcare system. There is no money, the people do not want to pay more money, some people don't have money, and all want good, full, solid healthcare. Just like today, the cries for healthcare came at a time of recession when people were losing their job-provided healthcare and faced having to pay for private insurance without an income. I think the dangers on depending on businesses and corporations to provide Americans' health insurance is that jobs aren't always guaranteed, and small businesses, which American is built on, can't afford it. While reading this, a lot of the policies and decisions I couldn't fully follow since I don't fully understand economics. But what it always came back to was the power struggle of one party not wanting the other party to do so well that they gain more support. The political system of America is really sad in that sense, that the people who represent the average citizen is more concerned about their party's popularity than the wellbeing of the people.

Also, I couldn't stand the writing in third person. The pompous voice that came through the writing made it hard to believe if Altman's ideas were truly brilliant or if he just wrote them in a way that we would think they were the ultimate solution everyone overlooked.

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